Scott Hall is in Japan, but brings baggage. Who is availible on the free agent market? There's a lot of up-and-coming indy stars who are not quite ready. Lance Storm, Kanyon, Hugh Morrus, Mike Awesome & Shawn Stasiak are really your core behind them. Booker T, DDP & Bagwell are your big names. So no Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Nash, Steiner, Jarrett and many other big names. WCW exists, but only the stars that WWF had available are there. The data is meant to be as realistic as possible. The mod is built and intended for you to play as Shane himself and do whatever you think Shane could or would have done to make WCW successful again. The other catch is the WCW that Shane acquires is very much based on the Invasion angle and what wrestlers were in it, so its a very thin star-lacking roster. Shane simply wanted the opportunity to build his own legacy and has purchased WCW with his father's blessing to help achieve it. But there is no fantasy-based familial strife between Vince & Shane. Shane McMahon! This mod was made to try and best simulate the most realistic, but still fantasy scenario of a 'What if.' for WCW in 2001. It's May 2001, and a McMahon has purchased WCW.